3-D Secure

I want to utilize 3-D Secure authentication.

The Inovio payments gateway utilizes 3D Secure authentication, which is an XML-based protocol designed to be an additional security layer for online credit and debit card transactions.


Sample Code

  1. curl-x POST -H "Accept: application/json"

  2. -H "Content-Type: application/json"

  3. {

  4. "request_action" : "CCAUTHCAP",

  5. "pmt_numb" : "4111111111111111",

  6. "pmt_expiry" : "012022",

  7. "li_count_1" : "1",

  8. "li_prod_id_1" : "33605",

  9. "li_value_1" : "1.00",

  10. "cust_email" : "test@example.com",

  11. "bill_addr_zip" : "12345",

  12. "pmt_key" : "123",

  13. "bill_addr_country" : "US",

  14. "xtl_ip" : "111.222.333.222",

  15. "P3DS_ECI" : "05",

  16. "P3DS_CAAV" : "43414359423067534E494A345632684942676C57",

  17. "P3DS_XID" : "%3EOpv62FlrT5qXXXX7DCewKgEBAQI",

  18. "bill_addr" : "123+Street",

  19. "bill_addr_city" : "Someville",

  20. "req_username" : "api%40example.com",

  21. "req_password" : "Example1234",

  22. "site_id" : "11122",

  23. "request_response_format" : "JSON",

  24. "request_api_version" : "4.1",

  25. "request_currency" : "USD",

  26. "merch_acct_id" : "123456",

  27. }'https://api.inoviopay.com/payment/pmt_service.cfm"

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