I need to process multi-currency, international transactions.
Inovio facilitates global ecommerce with full international currency conversion, enabling merchants to offer global customers the ability to pay in their native currency. Simplifying the checkout experience and eliminating price differentials at the time of purchase can increase sales and reduce credit requests, returns, and chargebacks.
curl-x POST -H "Accept: application/json"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
"request_action" : "CCAUTHCAP",
"pmt_numb" : "4111111111111111",
"pmt_expiry" : "012022",
"li_count_1" : "1",
"li_prod_id_1" : "33605",
"li_value_1" : "1.00",
"cust_email" : "test@example.com",
"bill_addr_zip" : "12345",
"pmt_key" : "123",
"bill_addr_country" : "US",
"bill_addr" : "123+Street",
"bill_addr_city" : "Someville",
"req_username" : "api%40example.com",
"req_password" : "Example1234",
"site_id" : "11122",
"request_response_format" : "JSON",
"request_currency" : "JPY",
"request_api_version" : "4.1",